Hari ini ketika saya membuka kembali disertasi saya, tiba-tiba tergoda untuk membaca bagian acknowledgement. Saat membaca bagian acknowledgement ini kenangan indah di Tallahassee pun menyeruak. Dan saya pun menjadi melankolis.
Tuesday afternoon, July 10th 2018, after my defense:
Volker Crede: ”How is your feeling?”
Me: ”I am feeling normal. To be honest, It’s harder to think that I am gonna leave Tallahassee soon.”
Volker Crede: ”That is good. It means that you have a really good time here. And I am so happy about that.”
Me: ”Indeed.”
Tallahassee and Florida State University indeed have been very nice to me. A lot of beautiful memories in the past 5 years, and Volker Crede, my major professor was one of the main reasons why choosing FSU and joining hadronic physics groups were one of the best decisions in my life.
His guidence and dedication to his students were beyond words.
I remember one day during 2014 spring, before my first summer in FSU, when he wanted to send me to a three-weeks summer school in JLab:
Volker Crede: ”You should attend this summer school (HUGS), this is really good for you!”
Me: ”But what if I should teach?” (It was still my first year when all PhD students normally still have to be a TA)
Volker Crede: ”Don’t worry. If needed, I will teach the class for you.”
I felt that I and Volker Crede has worked as a great team. There is only one way I could thank him. Someday in the future, when I become a professor, I promise that I will be a good and dedicated mentor, just like him. I will certainly miss our almost daily conversation about physics and non-physics, also the wonderful and long trip to JLab.
Many thanks to the hadronic physics group at FSU for their helps. I would like to thank Priyashree Roy for teaching me ROOT and basic technical skills required in this field. Also for the many discussions which kept my enthusiasm up every day, and not to mention enjoying the coffee hour or the Student Life cinema with Raditya Utama. I would also like to thank Paul Eugenio for involving me in the construction of the light guide for the Central Neutron Detector, also for serving as my commiittee. This was my first hardware experience, and I was really glad to see our gold and garnet light guide will be installed to CLAS12 detector.
I was thankful to Alexander Ostrotridov for always taking care of our supercomputer. Many thanks to Ashley Ernst for the physics and coding discussions, and helping me by compiling new PDG data before my defense. I hope that my future office mate will be as generous as her, always provide a big bowl of chocolatte and candy on her desk. Thanks to Christopher Zeoli for generating the Monte Carlo at JLab and the political discussion. Thanks to Kyle Romines for the buffet adventure. I hope he will get better buffet in DC. Thanks to Brad Cannon, Angelica Goncalves,
Sebastian Barriga and Jason barlow for the nice and memorable surprise after my defense.
I would also like to thank Jorge Piekarewicz, Todd Adams and Anke Meyer-Baese for serving as my committee. Jorge Piekarewicz was one of the first professors I met when I came to FSU. I knew him before I came as everybody said that Jorge was one of the best professors. I heard about his patience and dedication to his students even when I was still in Indonesia. And indeed, what I heard was true. Thanks to Jorge for the physics discussion and motivation, also for the recommendation letter for my Postdoctoral position.
A very important component of my life during the PhD journey was meeting many good friends in Physics department. Many Thanks to Hiram Menendez who taught me driving and never give up until I got my lisence after the fourth driving test. I will surely miss our night work in All
Saint Cafe. Thanks to David Clarke, Yavuz Oz, Niraj Aryal, Arash Yuneshi, Jom Narbey and Valery for arranging the ”goodbye” dinner. David, do not forget our adventure in DC during the APS meeting. Thanks to Jom for your sincerely-offering help of my moving. Thanks to Quintin Mabanta, I remember when suddenly you sent me burger at midnight in the office.
Thanks to Haykel, Laksmi and Raditya for the wonderful journey to Smoky Mountain and for sure the beautiful friendship. I spent most of my time in Tallahassee with my roommates and my Indonesian friends. Many thanks to them for everything since I came to FSU. Thanks to Marzul
Hidayat, Andy Wally, Muhandis Shiddiq, Raditya Utama, Henry Pranoto, Julien Freire, Yohannes Hamman, Tunggul. So many things and memorable trips that I could not mention here. Thanks to Raditya Utama and Julien Freire for the nice and relaxing chat after work.
Many thanks to Sukatno, my high school physics teacher for everything you taught me about physics and life as well. I will always remember your advises forever.
Thanks to Bobby Eka Gunara, my undergraduate adviser, for introducing me to the beautiful world of particle physics.
Thanks to Yohannes Surya and Eddy Yusuf for introducing and sending me to FSU. Thanks to Eugene Pasyuk for the valuable physics discussion and the recommendation letter. Thanks to Lei Guo and others g12 members for helping me in shaping this analysis.
Most importantly, I would like to thank my family for being my pillars of support. To Siti Humaesoh, my loving wife, I was smitten the first day I met you and I have been smitten with
you everyday afterward. You are a great source of my happiness. There is no word I can muster properly to convey what I would like to write about your supports and everything you gave me. A few underrated words would be lucky, patience, kindness etc. I love you and thanks for everything.
This PhD is dedicated to you. To my son and daughter, Arya and Yuka, Bapak love you and will always be here for you.
And many thanks to my mother and my father. I always believe that behind this work, there were countless of prayers my parent did every day, even in the middle of the silence night. The only way I could do to thank you is by continuing my hardwork and proving that I will be a successful physicist in the future. Thanks for your dua, love and immense supports.