One of the detector at JLAB, The readout consist of more than 100K electronic channels. JLAB consumes 30 Mega Watt which is supplied from nearby nuclear power plant.
What amazes me is the electron-accelerator technology. Supported by superconducting radio frequency technology, a very centered beam, in the order of micro meters is delivered miles away from the source with a very high precision. The accelerator capable of delivering the beam simultaneously to multiple experimental halls and each hall could have different beam profile. The source prepare and pack multiple beam profile according to the hall requirement, then after the beam travel miles away, a splitter chop and deliver the beam to each hall, precisely without mixing up and the beam is still centered in the order or microns.
There are two categories of particle accelerator machine: Discovery machine and precision machine. JLAB falls into precision machine category. Electron beam is one among many precision technology that exist in this facility.