Sekilas tentang saya dan tulisan saya

Lahir, tumbuh dan besar di Purwokerto. Setelah menamatkan S1 di Fisika ITB, lalu melanjutkan S2 dan S3 di Florida State University (FSU). Selepas lulus dari FSU saya bekerja di University of Virginia (UVA). Bidang riset saya adalah Nuclear and Particle Physics.

Tulisan-tulisan di blog ini dibuat semasa saya di Amerika (2013-2023) jadi beberapa mungkin sudah tidak relevan. Sekarang saya dalam sudah pulang for good dan dalam proses untuk bergabung dengan BRIN.

Saya copy snapshot dari profil saya di Linkedin:

A nuclear and particle physicist with 9 years of experiences working on two particle accelerators under Department of Energy USA: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) & Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab). Experienced in working with international physicists in a big collaboration. Trained in implementing advance data analysis, statistic, and machine learning technique to hundreds of Terabytes particle data. Experienced in project management and leadership role with hundreds of team member. Trained in solving problems with novel and unique approaches. A generalist with knowledge of more than 10 programming languages. Experienced in Cryogenic engineering, Dynamic-Nuclear Polarization and Nuclear-Magnetic Resonance techniques. A teacher with 9 years of teaching experience. An entrepreneur with 3 years of business experience.

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